LDB - Viewing Quiz Results

  1. If you do not have LockDown Browser installed, follow these instructions to install it - Install Lockdown Browser
  2. Open Lockdown Browser
    1. When it asks which to select,  pick Credit if you are a credit student (You will have an @howardcc.edu email) , or Non-Credit/Non-HCC if you are not

    2. Sign in
      Non-HCC sign in looks different

    3. Open your course you want to review the quiz results for

    4. Open Modules or Assignments or Quizzes and find the quiz you want to view the results for

    5. Click on the Attempt

    6. Click on "Click here to view the results"
      1. You may need to click on it twice: occasionally it will open this page again. Just click on "Click here to view the results" link again

    7. You will see the results

  3. You can close Lockdown Browser when you are done