One Drive for Home
Windows 10 already comes with Onedrive
- Press the "windows button" then start type Onedrive - You will see the following
2. Now click on OneDrive App
3. Enter your HCC email address in the email address form
3. Click on Work or School
4. Now you will be prompted password, enter your HCC Login password (email password)
5. After you login, Onedrive will verify some settings:
Onedrive will sync any files located in c:\users\myname\OneDrive - Howard Community College
If you want to change the default, click on change location and specific a different location on your local computer
Almost done!
You will be now show the following:
Please read the below information about how files are sync to the cloud
Now you can access your files anywhere with an internet connected device: Phone or tablet..
Now, your files are sync from local computer to Onedrive.
After the installation, you can use windows filer to navigate to the "OneDrive - Howard Community College"
The "cloud" indicates the files/folders are on the cloud and have not sync with the local computer. The "avatar" person indicates that the file or folder is shared with other people.
The "green check" mark indicates the files are sync to the cloud and locally cached.
Share and other options:
If you highlight and right click, the following contextual menu will appear
If you click on "Share" , you will be given another option to share a folder or file
Please be aware of the difference