Respondus LE
Respondus LE
Respondus LE is a free version of Respondus that doesn't integrate directly with Canvas, and is missing the full features of Respondus but will allow us to print a quiz from Canvas if we take extra steps.
Installing Respondus LE
- Download Responus LE from https://www.respondus.com/download/respondus_le.shtml
- Launch the installer
- Click Next>
- Read the EULA and accept it
- Let it install to the default location
- Let it save projects to the default location
- Install
- Click "No" when it asks if you want to install the Equation Editor
There is an issue and the installer won't install at this time
- Click Next>
- Launch Respondus LE from the Start Menu
- Copy the product ID from the first text box (Highlighted in yellow below)
- Click the "Register Respondus LE (Opens Browser)" button
- Fill out the form using the product ID you copied
- Make sure you place a valid email in the box
- Make sure you place a valid email in the box
- You will receive an email with the activation password
Copy the activation password - Paste the activation password into the Respondus LE registration dialog
Click Register - Click "OK"
- It will open to the main screen
How to preview and print a Canvas quiz in Respondus LE
- Open the course you want to export the quiz for in Canvas
- Scroll down and open "Settings" on the course navigation
- On the right side select "Export Course Content"
- Select change the export type to "Quiz" and select the quiz you want to print out/view
- Click "Create Export"
- Click "Create Export"
- Once the export finishes, click the "New Export" link
- This will download a zip file, click it to open it
- This will download a zip file, click it to open it
- Open the folder that looks like a bunch of random letters and numbers
- Copy the file that is a bunch of random letters and numbers to your documents or desktop
- Copy the file that is a bunch of random letters and numbers to your documents or desktop
- Open "Respondus LE"
- Click the "Open" button
- Click the "Browse" button
- Change "Files of type" to
IMS QTI questions (xml, qti) - Open the file with the numbers and letters for a name that you copied before to your desktop or documents
- Enter in a project name like COURSE-QUIZNAME
- Select the file and click "Open"
- At the top of the screen, select "Preview and Publish"
From here you can print the exam or save it as a Word document- It will export/print in a format like below
- It will export/print in a format like below
- Click the "Open" button
, multiple selections available,
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