Respondus LE

Respondus LE

Respondus LE is a free version of Respondus that doesn't integrate directly with Canvas, and is missing the full features of Respondus but will allow us to print a quiz from Canvas if we take extra steps.

Installing Respondus LE

  1. Download Responus LE from https://www.respondus.com/download/respondus_le.shtml
  2. Launch the installer
    1. Click Next>

    2. Read the EULA and accept it

    3. Let it install to the default location
    4. Let it save projects to the default location

    5. Install

    6. Click "No" when it asks if you want to install the Equation Editor
      There is an issue and the installer won't install at this time

  3. Launch Respondus LE from the Start Menu

    1. Copy the product ID from the first text box (Highlighted in yellow below)
    2. Click the "Register Respondus LE (Opens Browser)" button

    3. Fill out the form using the product ID you copied
      1. Make sure you place a valid email in the box

    4. You will receive an email with the activation password
      Copy the activation password
    5. Paste the activation password into the Respondus LE registration dialog
      Click Register

    6. Click "OK" 

  4. It will open to the main screen

How to preview and print a Canvas quiz in Respondus LE

  1. Open the course you want to export the quiz for in Canvas

  2. Scroll down and open "Settings" on the course navigation

  3. On the right side select "Export Course Content"

  4. Select change the export type to "Quiz" and select the quiz you want to print out/view

    1. Click "Create Export"

  5. Once the export finishes, click the "New Export" link 

    1. This will download a zip file, click it to open it

  6. Open the folder that looks like a bunch of random letters and numbers

    1. Copy the file that is a bunch of random letters and numbers to your documents or desktop

  7. Open "Respondus LE"
    1. Click the "Open" button

    2. Click the "Browse" button

    3. Change "Files of type" to 
      IMS QTI questions (xml, qti)
    4. Open the file with the numbers and letters for a name that you copied before to your desktop or documents

    5. Enter in a project name like COURSE-QUIZNAME

    6. Select the file and click "Open"

    7. At the top of the screen, select "Preview and Publish"
      From here you can print the exam or save it as a Word document

      1. It will export/print in a format like below

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