Mediasite Mosiac - Non-Store Method
Mediasite Mosiac - Non-Store Method
Below are the steps for installing Mediasite Mosiac on a PC that doesn't have Windows Store enabled, or you don't want to use a Microsoft Account. For example a UNS laptop as of 1/7/2022.
If you have microsoft store access, it's easier to install it through the store, this will also allow for updates. To install from Microsoft Store see Get Mediasite Mosaic - Microsoft Store and click the "Get" button.
Enable Sideloading on the PC
- Open Settings by clicking on the Start menu, then clicking on the gear icon
- Click Updates and Security at the bottom
- Select "For Developers" near the bottom
- On the right side, change the setting to "Sideload Apps"
- Click "Yes" on the prompt
- Close the Settings window
- Open this link by clicking on it https://support.sonicfoundry.com/mosaic/windows/SF.Mediasite.Capture.UWP.appinstaller.
It will begin a download in your browser. - When the download is finished, open the file by clicking on the "Open file" text in your browsers downloads
- The installer will pop up, click the "Install" button
- Mediasite Mosiac will open, allow it to access your Camera and Microphone by clicking the Yes buttons
- Yes for Microphone
- It will load to this screen, notice your Mosiac is not yet signed in as you in the top right.
- Open https://mediasite.howardcc.edu and sign in with your HCC username and password. It will load a page like below.
Click the "Add Presentation" button in the top right - Click the blue "More Information" button in the lower left side
- Click the right green "Register" button
- Click "Open" on the popup
- Mosiac will show your HCC username in the top right now and you will be able to upload videos to Mediasite
, multiple selections available,