Mediasite Mosiac - Non-Store Method

Mediasite Mosiac - Non-Store Method


Below are the steps for installing Mediasite Mosiac on a PC that doesn't have Windows Store enabled, or you don't want to use a Microsoft Account. For example a UNS laptop as of 1/7/2022.

If you have microsoft store access, it's easier to install it through the store, this will also allow for updates. To install from Microsoft Store see Get Mediasite Mosaic - Microsoft Store and click the "Get" button.


Enable Sideloading on the PC

  1. Open Settings by clicking on the Start menu, then clicking on the gear icon

  2. Click Updates and Security at the bottom

  3. Select "For Developers" near the bottom

  4. On the right side, change the setting to "Sideload Apps"

  5. Click "Yes" on the prompt

  6. Close the Settings window

  7. Open this link by clicking on it https://support.sonicfoundry.com/mosaic/windows/SF.Mediasite.Capture.UWP.appinstaller.
    It will begin a download in your browser.

  8. When the download is finished, open the file by clicking on the "Open file" text in your browsers downloads
  9. The installer will pop up, click the "Install" button
  10. Mediasite Mosiac will open, allow it to access your Camera and Microphone by clicking the Yes buttons
  11. Yes for Microphone
  12. It will load to this screen, notice your Mosiac is not yet signed in as you in the top right.

  13. Open https://mediasite.howardcc.edu and sign in with your HCC username and password. It will load a page like below.
    Click the "Add Presentation" button in the top right

  14. Click the blue "More Information" button in the lower left side

  15. Click the right green "Register" button
  16. Click "Open" on the popup
  17. Mosiac will show your HCC username in the top right now and you will be able to upload videos to Mediasite