Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign

Adobe Sign is available for HCC staff and faculty. There is a cost.

Please contact the helpdesk for Adobe Sign.

Once you have activated Adobe Sign, your ready.

Using a browser logon to:

Adobe Sign Web Page by clicking here:

Now, you will see:

Enter your HCC email address:

You might be prompted for Work or Personal. Please select Work

Enter your password

And you should see:

Now, to request a signature for a single person.

Click on "Request Signature"

In this screen:

  1. Enter the email address of the signature requester
  2. Write a comment to the requester about the document
  3. Attached the PDF or word document, by dragging the document to the box or clicking on "add files"
  4. Check to preview and add signature
  5. Then click on Next

Now, add signature field and other fields to the document

Noticed the "Recipents filed is the email you added before this screen"

Now, drag the "Signature to the Signature Line" and other fields like:

After you verified everything, click on "Send"