Migrating content from MyOpenMath to iMathAS

Migrating content from MyOpenMath to iMathAS


You can export some of or all of a courses content from MyOpenMath to iMathAS


  1. Sign into MyOpenMath at https://myopenmath.com 
  2. Open the course you want to copy the content from
  3. On the left sign click on the "Export" option under "Course Items"

  4. At the top select "Export for another IMathAS system or as a backup for this system"
  5. Select all or just the items you want to copy over to iMathAS
  6. Scroll down and review the checkboxes you may want, if you are just exporting a few items to copy over to an existing course you probably don't want the first two checked
    Click the "Export Items" button
  7. This will download a .imas file to your PC
  8. You can leave MyOpenMath
  9. Sign into iMathAS at https://imathas.howardcc.edu
    1. If you need an account, register for one and let Technology Service Center know it needs to be approved.

  10. Open the course you would like to import the content into
  11. Under "Course Items" select the "Import" option
  12. Click the "Choose file" button and select the .imas downloaded from before
  13. Click Submit
    1. WARNING: If you get an error uploading with a message of 1 like below. Try exporting and importing a unit at a time, it seems to stop working correctly with files over approximately 1 MB.
  14. It will give you the option for matching questions to update or to make the mas new questions. As well as allow you to select particular questions you want to import.
    Additionally if you'd like to add the questions to library you can
  15. Scroll down and you can select if you want to overwrite your course settings, grade scheme, or categories. Check or uncheck as you need then click "Import Items"

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