Equipment for Loan

Equipment for Loan

The below equipment is available for take home loan. Sorry, none of the items come with a bag.



Wireless HotspotStudents onlyA wireless hotspot with unlimited 4G connectivity. Can also be connected via USB to a laptop or PC.

LaptopStudents and Adjunct Faculty Onlyi5 laptop, capable of running Zoom with virtual background. Comes preloaded with Zoom, Mediasite Mosiac, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Office 365. 



LaptopStudents and Adjunct Faculty Onlyi5 laptop, capable of running Zoom with virtual background. Comes preloaded with Zoom, Mediasite Mosiac, Google Chrome, Firefox, and Microsoft Office 365. 

10.9" iPad Pro with keyboard and pencilFaculty Only - Limited QuantityiPad Pro 10.9" with keyboard case, charger, and Apple Pencil 2

Ring Light with Phone homeFaculty Only - Limited QuantityLED Ring light with two phone holders, standalone phone holder can also hold some webcams with the attachment at the bottom

EPSON Document CameraFaculty Only - Limited QuantityEPSON Document camera, a more slim and portable version of the camera used in the classrooms.
Powered and connected via USB to your PC, for information on setup and use in Zoom see <URL to ZOOM>