Accessing the PHPMySQL Server
Accessing the PHPMySQL Server
Wordpress is not allowed on PHPMySQL server. Any installed instances will be removed
Access to PHPMySQL
Public Website Access
- Open a web browser
- In the URL bar enter https://phpmysql.howardcc.edu/Users/Username replacing Username with your HCC username
- When the page loads you should see :
- You can change this page by replacing the index.html in your Public folder, for more details follow the instructions below.
Accessing the Server from FileZilla/FTP Client - Recommended method
FTP Connection Quick Reference
Protocol: SFTP
Server : phpmysql.howardcc.edu
Username : Your HCC Username, such as jdoe1234
Password : Your HCC password
Port : 22
- Open filezilla or your preferred FTP client
- Enter "sftp://phpmysql.howardcc.edu" into the host field
Enter your HCC username in the username field. Ex : jdoe1234
Enter your HCC password in the password field
Click the Quickconnect button
- When it asks if you want to trust the host, click "OK"
- On the right side you will see the files in your drive on the server you can download and edit
The left side will have your local files you can upload to the server - There can be multiple folders inside the drive depending on what classes you are in, they are:
- PHP – For PHP class assignments any files placed in here can be accessed publicly via https://phpmysql.howardcc.edu/PHP/Username replacing Username with your HCC username
- Public – For your publicly accessible website https://phpmysql.howardcc.edu/Users/Username replacing Username with your HCC username
- Wordpress – Wordpress class folder, it is publicly accessible at https://phpmysql.howardcc.edu/Wordpress/Username replacing Username with your HCC username
- For further help with using FileZilla see its Tutorial
PHPMyAdmin Access
- Open a web browser
- In the URL bar enter https://phpmysql.howardcc.edu/phpmyadmin/
- Enter in your username, and the database password provided to you by your instructor, then click "Go"
- From this page you will be able to create, modify, delete, and manage the database used by Wordpress and other applications installed on the server.
MySQL Command Line Access
- Open a command prompt
- Change directory to "C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql5.5.24\bin", by running cd C:\wamp\bin\mysql\mysql*\bin
- Run "mysql -h phpmysql.howardcc.edu -u UserName –p", replacing "UserName" with your HCC username.
- Enter your MySQL password provided by the instructor.
- Once you are logged in you will have a mysql> prompt to run SQL statements from