COVID-19 IT Student FAQ
COVID-19 IT Student FAQ
Internet Access
Xfinity is offering free:
- Wifi hotstop https://wifi.xfinity.com
- If you are near a business there may be an Xfinitywifi wifi you can access for free, when you connect to it a screen like below will appear in your web browser
Click on "Accept and Connect" - If the xfinitywifi shows prices, then the free Xfinity wifi is not available in your area
- If you are near a business there may be an Xfinitywifi wifi you can access for free, when you connect to it a screen like below will appear in your web browser
- Broad at home free for new customers from Xfinity who are low income https://www.internetessentials.com/covid19
Complete list of all services during the COVID-19 https://www.cordcuttersnews.com/att-t-mobile-comcast-cox-verizon-and-more-take-fccs-pledge-to-maintain-customer-service-during-coronavirus-pandemic/
- Microsoft 365 Pro Plus and other software are avabile for all HCC students. To get started, go to https://portal.office.com
- Logon using your HCC Email and HCC Email Password
- You can download and install Office 365 Pro Plus (which includes Word, Excel and Powerpt) to your Windows, and MacOS. For Android and iOS, go to the Apple store / Google Play and download for free
- AutoCad Software is available for all HCC students, please go to AutoCad Login
- Create an account using HCC email and selecting "University/Post-Secondary" for institution type
- Once you have completed the form, and email will be sent to your HCC email to confirm.
- If you can't get Autodesk running on yuor PC we have a limited number of seats to allow remote Autodesk access see SCSViewServer Autodesk
- MATLAB software is available through HCC's Virtual Desktop.
- Please review directions here ←Click
- Engineering student please refer to How to install Horizon Client and setup USB redirection for use with Xilinx boards
- For Canvas help, please use the Canvas help in Canvas
- Click on Help in the left side of Canvas from any page, then click on "Chat with Canvas Support" or call the number shown
- Click on Help in the left side of Canvas from any page, then click on "Chat with Canvas Support" or call the number shown
- Non-Canvas, Non-Account help? Call the TSC (Technology Service Center) at 443-518-4444, option 3
- Submit an online by clicking on My Technology Service Center (MYTSC) - Students
- If you are having an issue signing into myhcc like below clear the past 24 hours of cookies following this video Click here to view video
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