Microsoft Teams Creating Standard or Private Channels

Microsoft Teams Creating Standard or Private Channels

Additional Information

Channels are like folders in that they are a designated place for work to be done. You can store folders and documents and even chat within a channel. Everything posted in a channel is public to all team members. (Private channels can also be created that are only seen by specific members.) As a best practice, limit the use of multiple channels to make navigation and collaboration simpler.

(question)  Should you have any questions or concerns with the instructions, please notify the Technology Service Center for assistance. 

Step 1

To create a channel, select your team name and then select the more option tab (it'll have the three dots) and then select "Add channel".

Step 2

Fill out the information for your new channel including the channel name and description. The Privacy tab will have two options.

  • Standard allows everyone in the team to have access to the channel.

  • Private allows specific teammates to have access to the channel.

Step 3

Once satisfied with the options, select the "Add" button to enable the channel.