Canvas Login Instructions for Non-HCC Continuing Education Students

Canvas Login Instructions for Non-HCC Continuing Education Students

Canvas Login Instructions for Non-HCC Continuing Education Students

Additional Information

If you are registered for a current term continuing education class through another college, please follow these instructions for logging into Canvas.

Please allow up to a day after registering for your Canvas course access to be set up.

For an upcoming class, access will be available one week before the first class date. If the class has not started yet, wait until the first class date to begin work. Once you log in, you can locate your instructor’s contact information by clicking on the “Syllabus.”

(question)  Should you have any questions or concerns with the instructions, please notify the Technology Service Center for assistance. 

Step 1

Open a web browser and navigate to https://www.howardcc.edu.

Step 2

Click on the “Tools and Resources” link located on the upper right hand corner above the search box.

Step 3

Select “Canvas” from the menu.

Step 4

Click the “Students enrolled through other community colleges” button.

Step 5

Login using your Canvas username and password (see the example logins section below).

Step 6

Once you are logged in, click on “Courses” to select your course.

If you are enrolled in multiple courses, use the same log in. Once you are logged in, click on “Courses” to select between your courses.

Example Logins

User Name is: the first character of your first name + the first seven characters of your last name + the last four digits of your student ID number  +  .ALL (Allegany) or .BCC (Baltimore city) or .CCC (Carroll CC)  or .CEC (Cecil CC) .CHE (Chesapeake) or .FCC (Frederick) or .HAG (Hagerstown) (see exceptions below)

Password must be 8 characters long. It is your full college student ID number plus leading zeroes to make it 8 digits (see examples below)


Username Example

Password Example

Allegany College



Baltimore City CC



Carroll CC



Cecil CC


00012345 or 00123456

Chesapeake College



Frederick CC



Hagerstown CC



Other exceptions:

Allegany students - password: add 0 (zeros) in front of your ID number as needed to make 8 digits. Passwords must be 8 digits.

Baltimore City students receive their user name and password in a separate email.

Frederick students: Use the online registration student number (a 5 digit number) on the registration confirmation. Password: add 077 in front of the 5 digit online registration number to make 8 digits.

Cecil students- Password- add zeros (0) in front of your ID number as needed to make 8 digits. Passwords must be 8 digits.