2021SP Continuing Education Canvas Sign in Changes

2021SP Continuing Education Canvas Sign in Changes

(question)  Should you have any questions or concerns with the instructions, please notify the Technology Service Center for assistance. 

What changed and am I affected?

Continuing Education students except for Kids on Campus and Personal Enrichment are now setup with an HCC account and a @howardcc.edu email. As part of this change, the way you sign into Canvas has been changed.

Students from other community colleges such as PGCC are not affected by this change.

How do I sign in now?

If you have never setup your Howard Community College account before,  you'll need to set it up by going to this link https://login.howardcc.edu. If you have any difficulty setting up your password, please see HCC Login ID & Password FAQs.

Once you have your HCC account password setup, or if you already had it setup, you’ll be able to sign into Canvas using the HCC Students and Faculty option.

The middle option for “HCC Personal Enrichment/KOC Students” will no longer work for students with an HCC Login ID.

Why was it changed?

Your HCC account provides enhanced security and access to other student perks such as Microsoft Office 365, Google Drive and, other educational licenses through your @howardcc.edu account.