Outlook 365 PhishNotify Email Button

Outlook 365 PhishNotify Email Button

Additional Information

Phish notify will appear in Outlook and Outlook Web Access (OWA) to allow you to report suspected Phishing emails to IT from directly within your email client. This also ensures that IT receives additional technical information/headers for the email to allow them to review the email origin more thoroughly. The email security team can then use the information you provided to identify current threats and protect other members of the college from phishing thanks to you.

If you’d like to know more about phishing please see the following page What is phishing - phishing.org.

(question)  Should you have any questions or concerns with the instructions, please notify the Technology Service Center for assistance. 

Step 1

With Outlook open, if you find a suspected Phishing email don’t click on any of the links or download any of the images.

These can be used to track whether or not you accessed the email or to collect additional information from you.

Step 2

Click the “Submit Email” button in the top right of Outlook, it will look like one of the below depending on your outlook setup

Step 3

When you click on the “Submit Email” button it will send the email details to the email security team for review in a safe text only format.

It will then display the below confirmation box on the right of the outlook window, you can use this dialog to delete the email from your inbox if desired.

Simulation Phishing Emails

If you see a message like below - you successfully identified a practice phishing email from the HCC security team!

Click the “Move to Deleted Items” box to remove the email from your mailbox.