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Classroom Technology
Instructor Computer
To log in to the instructor station, you can use the default account by hitting enter on the keyboard. You can log in using your HCC Login credentials by selecting "Other User," located in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Please restart the computer if the default account is not shown on the screen.
Please do not save files on the instructor station. User profiles are regularly wiped from the computer, and any saved information will be lost.
USB ports are located on the front of the instructor's computer and the left side of the instructor station monitors.
Projector Remote
This room has a projector remote to power on and off the projector using the blue power button in the top left.
Presentation Remote
Most HR classrooms are equipped with Kensington presentation remotes for PowerPoint presentations. The remote can navigate through PowerPoint presentation slides, control the computer mouse, and has a built-in laser pointer.
The presentation remote can be powered on using the switch on the left side. When the remote is on, the buttons should light up slightly.
If you are experiencing issues with a classroom presentation remote or would like to request a remote for your classroom, please get in touch with the Technology Service Center by calling (443) 518-4444 ext. three or using this link to create a service request.