- Microsoft 365 Pro Plus and other software are avabile for all HCC students. To get started, go to https://portal.office.com
- Logon using your HCC Email and HCC Email Password
- You can download and install Office 365 Pro Plus (which includes Word, Excel and Powerpt) to your Windows, and MacOS. For Android and iOS, go to the Apple store / Google Play and download for free
- Adobe CC Software is available for all HCC students, please go to Adobe Login
- Logon using your HCC email and HCC email password
- Here is a link to a Video stepping you through installing Adobe at home
- If you get a trial message for Adobe Acrobat use the "AcrobatStudentAccess.zip" file at the bottom of https://helpx.adobe.com/enterprise/kb/covid-19-edu-labs-faq.html#IseeatrialpromptwhenIsignintoAcrobatDConmycomputer
- AutoCad Software is available for all HCC students, please go to AutoCad Login
- Create an account using HCC email and selecting "University/Post-Secondary" for institution type
- Once you have completed the form, and email will be sent to your HCC email to confirm.
- If you can't get Autodesk running on yuor PC we have a limited number of seats to allow remote Autodesk access see SCSViewServer Autodesk