Adding OneDrive to Canvas Course
Should you have any questions or concerns with the instructions, please notify the Technology Service Center for assistance.
Step 1
Sign into Canvas.
Step 3
Click the button and copy down the key+secret or leave this page open you will need the top two items later.
Step 4
Open the course you want the integration in.
Step 5
Scroll down to settings on the left side and click on it.
Step 6
Select the Apps tab.
Step 7
Search for Office, then click on the Office 365 image.
Step 8
Click "Add App".
Step 9
Enter in the Key and Secret from the link you opened in a new tab in Step 2. Click "Add App".
Step 10
Refresh the page or open your course home page. You should now have an Office 365 option at the bottom of the navigation. Click on it.
Step 11
Click "Log In".
Step 12
Sign in with your HCC email address (example: , if you are already signed in you might need to just accept to allow the application to access your OneDrive.
Step 13
Once you get to OneDrive you can start linking items.
Example of Adding document/file to Module
Step A
To add an Office 365 document to a Module, click the + sign to add content to the module like you would for an assignment, link or page.
Select External Tool, then click on "Office 365". From there you can select the document you want to link.
Step B
Select the document with the checkbox and click "Attach File".
Step C
Click "Add item".
Example Adding Document into Assignment or Quiz
If you want add a link to it in an Assignment, Announcement, Page, etc... you can use the LTI from the dropdown like below, the following the same steps as above to select it.