There is a total of 33 conference rooms at HCC; they are best for meetings involving 5 or more people.
Please make a reservation in order to use a conference room!
Types of Conference Rooms
There are many different layouts for conference rooms, and it is important to choose the right one for your meeting.
Style | Info | Picture |
Boardroom (oval or rectangle) |
Includes rooms: AC 137*, 236*, 237* | CL 114, 227* | DH 130, 230 | F 007* | HSHSB 226*, 250*, 326* | HR 100 | HVPA 200A | HW 113*, 125*, 240* | MH 106, 119A*, 207, 226*, | RCF 120B, 214*, 218, 401* | SA 208 , | SET | |
Banquet |
| |
Hollow Square |
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Creative Marketing |
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Theater/ Auditorium |
Asterisk ( * ) indicates conference rooms with Crestron Touch Panels
Things to Consider
There are a few things to consider before you RSVP
How many people will attend?
- 5-10 people: CL 114 | HR 100 | HVPA 200A | HW 240* | MH 106, 119A* | MH 207 | RCF 120B, 218 | SET 310*, 328*
- 10-15: AC 236*, 237* | CL 227* | DH 130, 230 | CL 227 | F 007* | HS 226*, 326* | HW 113*, 125* | MH 226* | RCF 214*, 334 | SET 410*, 426*
- 15-20: HS 250* | SA 208*
- 20+: AC 137* | DH 100 | MH 201/202* | RCF 401 400*, 401*
What kind of meeting are you having?
- Is it an event with 20+ people or a board meeting with 5 people?
- How much space do you need to move around?
What type of environment would your meeting benefit from?
- Webcam/ zoom interactivity
- Large open space vs. smaller condensed space
- Projector with screen sharing
- Windows or no windows?
Please RSVP before your meeting or event!